Platinum Plus Protège-matelas grand
7 avis

79,00 $
0,00 $

3,29 $
+ taxes/frais
Avec financement 24 mois
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Options de grandeurs :
Double69,00 $
89,00 $
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Protection intelligente
Le protège-matelas Platinum® de Meubles Léon de format grand fournit une barrière protectrice, facile à nettoyer et douce entre vous et votre matelas. Le protège-matelas élimine la moisissure, les champignons, les acariens, les bactéries et les allergènes - autant sur la surface de sommeil qu’à l’intérieur du matelas. Recommandé par les professionnels de la santé pour réduire les allergènes, l’asthme, les allergies et l’eczéma.
Caractéristiques uniques
Caractéristiques uniques
- Leon's Platinum® Protector is 100% waterproof and prevents all mattress stains.
- Leon's Platinum® Protector maintains a new mattress in its original clean and hygienic condition; it creates a clean and healthy sleeping surface, even with an old mattress.
- Leon's Platinum® Protector easily slides on and off like any fitted sheet and is machine washable in hot water.
- Leon's Platinum® mattress protector validates the industry-leading Leon's 90 Day "Sleep Tight" Mattress Guarantee, which allows for the exchange of a new mattress within 90 days — provided a Leon's Platinum mattress protector is purchased with the new mattress, and is used to keep that new mattress stain- and soil-free. Note: The mattress cannot actually be exchanged until after 21 days, as research has shown that sleep habits can be formed during that time which will result in complete customer satisfaction.
Entretien :
To maintain a healthy sleep environment, all bedding should be washed in hot water every 1 to 2 weeks.
Tissu :
50% cotton, 50% polyester.
Fini :
Matériaux :
Origine :
Made in Canada.
Détails du produit :
NO-MITE Breathable Anti-Microbial Barrier: Yes
Soft Quilted Top: Yes
100% Waterproof: Yes
Breathable Comfort: Yes
Prevents All Mattress Stains: Yes
Guaranteed To Fit: Yes
Soft Quilted Top: Yes
100% Waterproof: Yes
Breathable Comfort: Yes
Prevents All Mattress Stains: Yes
Guaranteed To Fit: Yes
Garantie :
Five-year warranty against product defects or 150 hot water washes.